Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Ava loves to sleep with her arms overhead, all sprawled out and we can't resist taking her picture! People asked me how tired I was the first few weeks and honestly, I didn't really want to sleep. Wes and I joked that instead of Post-Partum Depression, we had Post-Partum Elation! Wes and I are a pretty good team and since he does most of the cooking (he's a much better cook than I), and we've managed to find organized chaos working to establish a peaceful life for Ava so far!

Ava's first bath was so cute! She loved the feel of the water and was very wide-eyed everytime the water ran over her skin. Hopefully she'll like the water like me and her Aunt Katie and become a great swimmer. She's bound to have a few "swim genes" in the mix!

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