Sunday, August 24, 2008

Arizona chapter of the Republican PBR NRA WTT chicks

For my 40th and Tracy Wilkes 38th Birthday, our friends (aka: Book Club) threw a surprise White Trash Birthday Bash! As you can see, they clearly have a knack for white trash fashion as well as the cuisine and backyard decor...sorry didn't snap any pictures of the muffler by the pool, the Christmas Gnome holding the beer can or the pantyhose and bras drying on the clothes line! This was supposed to be our annual pool party so I showed up in my swimsuit cover-up.....guess I fit in without even trying!!!! My good friend, Dawn flew in to surprise me as well which left me speechless! She is one of my best friends and left her 8 week old, 2 1/2 year old, new house in Des Moines (which flooded the night before they moved in and ruined all thew custom wood floors) among other 'issues' (still breastfeeding....) to surprise me! All I can say is all my girls are some classy chicks!

Here's Tracy and me checking out the Trailer Park Cuisine....KFC, Mac n Cheese casserole, dry roasted peanuts, cake showcasing two tattooed barbies (looking remarkably like Tracy and me)mud wrestling on top, pork rinds, frosted animal crackers, Frito's casserole, and of course....bologna on white bread with Kraft Singles. YUMMMMM!

1 comment:

Anita Cory said...

Hi friend,
What a great way to celebrate turning 40! I'm jealous!