Tuesday, October 2, 2007

First "solid" food!

Apparently, rice cereal doesn't taste good at all. Ava's expression paints a very clear picture of how bad this really tastes!

I tried it first (of course) before feeding her the first bite, and I can't believe that something with no taste can taste so bad! Kind of like formula...you would think the experts could make it taste like actual breast milk... or even milk, milk. Wes and I felt bad for her but we were still laughing at her faces! She's got a little drama in her ocassionally....

Pink Powder Puff Chair

As for "Big Girl Chairs"....this is the "Pretty-Pink-Powder- Puff-Princess" version! Of course it's smack dab in the middle of our living room- Ava wanted it there! Hey, ocassionally our guests need an extra chair and I just thought, why not the princess chair? I wonder if it will be cute in a few years stained with fruit roll ups, finger prints, grape juice stains and crayon shavings?

"Little girl in a Big Brown Chair"

Ava loves to sit up by herself in her "big girl chair"...she's even got the posing down. Can babies be supermodels? The bown chair is now fail proof to make her smile when she's thinking about getting fussy!

Just the Three of us....

This was Gabrielle Keppel's baptism....also a rare time for us to be all dressed up together ON THE SAME DAY! Quick, someone take a picture!!!!