Sunday, January 6, 2008

Christmas Day 2007

Ava's first Christmas! Here are a few pictures from the day that started early Christmas morning at the Titcombs, continued on at the Shields for Brunch and then after a few hours rest, continued that evening back at the Shields for Christmas dinner. Ava had so much fun even though she doesn't know what Christmas is quite yet, but she loves that it involves pretty paper!

Here's Ava trying to show off her teeth...(which we were still unaware of) that came in ON CHRISTMAS DAY!

Admiring G Pa! Ava's always fascinated by his mustache or his hat...not sure which!

First time on! We'll have to travel back to Nebraska for Christmas if Ava is to ever experience a White Christmas....until then, we'll enjoy the grass and sunshine!!!!

OK....apparently, Ava doesn't realize how "cool" she looks in her cycling helmet!

What a "Princess" I am!

OK- this picture doesn't really show the aggressive way Ava decided to remove her bib, but girl's got some strength and isn't scared to use it! She just learned how to un-do velcro a few weeks ago and likes to pull her bib off....usually without much of a struggle. Well, this "Baby's First Christmas" bib hadn't been washed or used yet, so the Velcro was very sticky. I thought she might break something in her little neck the way she pulled so hard on this bib to remove was truly priceless to see little sweet Ava get so aggressive with her bib at Christmas dinner!

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