Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mom and Dad to the rescue!

During my recovery from knee surgery, my parents came to help out...actually, they did pretty much everything for Ava when Wes wasn't here since I was pretty much useless! I think they had a great time getting to know her again and she had fun with her other gampa and gama! Sorry I only have a few pictures during this time- I spent most of my time on ice and I'm pretty sure it's why I'm way ahead of schedule with my recovery. Thanks again, Mom & Dad! You're wonderful!!!!

Gampa taking Ava out for a walk.

Ava's new trick. Well, she's actually been doing it for a while, but I was quick enough with the camera to get a picture of her before she ran off! She pulls all he pillows off our bench and makes herself a little bed. It cracks me up as she looks so little laying there on the floor!

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